
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that the older we become, the worse our health gets. That’s true for the heart as much as it is anything. People over 65 in particular are at much higher risk of strokes, heart attacks and heart disease. But why exactly is that? And if you can’t

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Gut Bacteria

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as a bad thing. We go around wiping our kitchen counters, cleaning our bathrooms and washing our hands because we’re trying to avoid them. It’s true that bacteria are responsible for some of the most upsetting illnesses around. However, only some of them are problematic; we actually need other

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There’s a strange thing that happens when you exercise. You may have noticed it yourself, but it can still be pretty hard to believe. If you’re not someone who exercises at all, you might think it’s complete nonsense. We’re talking about the fact that exercise can actually give you more energy than you had when

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Do they wear capes and swoop in to rescue you from evil salt, sugar and fat? Not exactly, but it seems that pretty regularly, some other fruit or vegetable will be christened with the label “superfood”. So just what powers do they have – or is it all an exaggeration? This is a tricky one

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

It’s hard enough keeping your digestive system running smoothly when you’re healthy, but when you have a gastrointestinal disorder like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it becomes even more complicated. It means thinking carefully about everything you eat and having to account for it when you’re planning your day-to-day life. We don’t know exactly what causes

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