Brain Health

Altered States Of Consciousness

You might think that altered states of consciousness (ASC) are the sole preserve of people who eat interesting mushrooms or experiment with other hallucinogenic substances. Did you know that sometimes people with no history of drug use and no other mental illness may still experience moments where their entire perception of reality is changed (

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Bridging The Gap

Dementia is one of the fastest-growing categories of disease, but it remains among the hardest to diagnose and treat. Everyone wants to be able to spot the condition before major symptoms emerge. That’s how you plan ahead to mitigate its impact. Bridging the gap between that desire and actually being able to diagnose and treat

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Social Media

Social media has a lot of advantages. You can stay in touch with people all over the world, keep on top of all the latest headlines, and be informed about all sorts of interesting things. It also has its disadvantages, like the spread of disinformation and potential damage to mental health. How do you know

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Biomarker For Happiness

There are biomarkers for everything these days, covering all aspects of our bodies and health. Still, the idea that there could be a biomarker for happiness seems far-fetched… unless you’re Matter Neuroscience. They’ve just secured the funding to try to prove it ( Happiness can seem like an ephemeral concept. It looks different for every

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