Eating & Nutrition

Pro-Inflammatory Diets

Inflammation: It’s the bane of anyone trying to boost their longevity. You’re probably not looking for a pro-inflammatory diet, but it can be hard to avoid the things that cause that kind of reaction. Do you know what foods are considered pro-inflammatory? And what exactly is it that makes them troublesome ( You probably already […]

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Pretty much every part of the body starts to slow down and work less effectively as we grow older. That includes the immune system, which is pretty problematic when we rely on it to keep us free of disease. Supplements may be one way to boost the aging immune system, with the latest research pointing

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Diet And Community

A lot of research has been done into encouraging better dietary choices. One of the less obvious yet still highly important factors is the role of community. The eating habits of the people around you, especially in your formative years, can have a major impact on your attitude toward food ( It starts when you’re

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L-Protein Shake

The protein shake is ubiquitous in the world of supplements. We’ve all probably seen images of muscle-bound gym aficionados draining their bottles as part of their daily routine. More recently, plant-based options have been increasing in popularity, a reflection of the wider growth of the vegan lifestyle. L-Nutra’s L-Protein is an attempt to refine the

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Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet is often feted as one of the healthiest options out there, and olive oil is a big part of that. Can this one ingredient really have such magical properties? How does it compare to other kinds of fat? And is there any reason to be wary? Let’s take a deeper look (

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Sleep Supplements

Any list of basic lifestyle changes to improve your health is going to include improving your quality of sleep, but that’s easier said than done. Sleeping pills often seem like the domain of musicians and movie stars, but there are actually a range of different supplements claiming to help you achieve a good night’s rest.

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We’ve known for a while that many viruses continue to impact the body long after the initial infection disappears. It’s likely a factor in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The trouble is that these conditions are poorly understood and easily dismissed. Since the pandemic and the rise of long COVID, finding possible therapies has taken

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Dark Chocolate

There are some products that call themselves chocolate but only have the most distant relationship to the cocoa bean. They’re packed full of other unhealthy additives affecting everything from flavor to shelf life. Then there’s dark chocolate. This is the one that might make its way onto the list of recommended foods, in the right

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