L-Protein Shake

The protein shake is ubiquitous in the world of supplements. We’ve all probably seen images of muscle-bound gym aficionados draining their bottles as part of their daily routine. More recently, plant-based options have been increasing in popularity, a reflection of the wider growth of the vegan lifestyle. L-Nutra’s L-Protein is an attempt to refine the protein shake to a whole new level (https://longevity.technology/news/l-nutra-targets-healthy-aging-with-new-protein-shake/).

There are lots of reasons people go plant-based. Some are concerned about animal cruelty, and others worry about the impact of the agriculture industry on the environment. For some, it’s prompted by health worries. One reason L-Nutra decided to make its new product plant-based is because animal products, both meat and dairy, may cause an unwelcome spike in your growth factors, things like insulin and IGF-1, which in turn can contribute to biological aging.

Of course, as you’ll know if you’ve ever tried to go vegan, protein is one of the nutrients that can become particularly tricky to get. There’s a reason most people rely on meat, eggs and dairy to get it into their diets, and that’s because it’s the easiest way to ensure you take in an adequate amount. Plant-based proteins do exist, but they’re not always the most effective, especially if you’re working on your muscle building.

L-Protein aims to change that. With 25g of protein and amino acids, all plant-based, plus 21 vitamins and minerals, again extracted from fruits and vegetables (11 of them, to be precise), with some super-healthy extra-virgin olive oil to top it off, the formula is optimized to improve your longevity and strengthen your muscles at the same time. It’s not just about your lifespan but about aging well, without illness or deterioration in your quality of life.

This kind of product is L-Nutra’s specialty. Since its founding in 2009, it’s brought all its scientific knowledge and expertise to developing evidence-based nutrition products and programs that can improve people’s health and lifespan. The company has its origins with Dr. Valter Longo, Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California.

You may know L-Nutra best for its research into the health benefits of periodic fasting. Its flagship program is the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet. L-Protein may look a bit different, but the end goal is the same. Both look to use nutrition to make your life longer and healthier.

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