You Are Able

Behavioral Health - You are able

When I speak to people about their health and lifestyle so many times it seems like there is a sense of hopelessness. For example, if they get diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure and they believe they will have to be on a certain protocol for a lifetime. It is time that we realize that we are able. Able to overcome. Able to rise above. Able to reverse the life situation that have found ourselves in. It all begins with …

Knowing that you were made for more. We tend to let the circumstance of our life determine the quality of our life. You are where you are because of your choices, and a little bit of genetics. That’s the great news. So here I want to give you permission. This is to know that you are well able to live the kind of life that you want and deserve. It simply comes down to your choices. If you are overweight, make new choices. If you have high blood pressure, then make new choices. If you have diabetes, then make new choices.

Choices determine lifestyle. Period. There is no form of medicine that can touch the power to choose.

So realize that you are able. You are able to shift your life, create a new course, and live life on your terms. So how do you do it?


I need you to start believing ( (in you again. You have to forget the past. The past is gone. You must focus on today. Today is where all the influence and power is.


You must have a vision for where you want to go, who you want to become, the kind of health that you want to have. You must see it.


Execution is what separates winners and losers. If you want to win with your health and your life, then you must follow through, do the work, and get it done.

I can tell you that it doesn’t matter how tough life has been, you can always turn it around. There is a purpose for your life. The key is to step up, define it, believe it, see it, and live it.

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