The Foods I Never Eat

Nutrition - The Foods I Never Eat

All health experts have their own do’s and don’t’s. There are many of them. I am a big fan of being balanced when it comes to making great lifestyle choices. The big key is that you have to set yourself up to win. Winning is the game when it comes to your health. If you go on the extreme, then you will burn out every time. However, there are certain things I just don’t do when it comes to my health and well-being. I am going to list some of the top foods that I never eat to keep my health at its peak level.  Some of these foods are s ome that you may think is no big deal, however they can wreak havoc on your overall health. In our health coaching company  we always teach the 10 percent Rule. Eat well 90 percent of the time and 10 percent do what you want. That’s right, eat and do as you please for about 3 meals per week. Your body can handle some cheesecake and pizza every now and then. However, there are certain foods that just aren’t worth even putting in your body due to the cumulative effect of what it can do in the long term. So let’s dive in and look at some of the foods that I have learned to simply stay away from.

1.High Fat Luncheon Meat 
Loaded with nitrates and nitrites, these types of luncheon meats can increase your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Listen,  it’s just not worth it. Instead choose the newer versions they are making now that don’t have all of the chemicals.

I have to say that I used to love raw oysters. However, after learning how much toxic load are in these shells, it’s just not worth it. Oysters, clams, lobster, and shrimp have a large toxic load that can be challenging to our health.

3.Added Sugar 
It’s the big one. When sugar is added to the diet it causes more than double the risk of dying from heart disease.

4.Trans-Fat Foods 
I get asked  often. However, I just won’t touch them. To me there is nothing worse than fake fat. Fat is actually great for our health and will help it improve in an amazing way. However trans fats can be extremely hazardous to our overall health. Processed foods like margarine, and many partially-hydrogenated oils like we find in many shelf products can cause a tremendous amount of cellular damage.

5.Sugar Packed Cereal 
I realize that they have fiber, however the processed grains and sugar aren’t worth the inflammatory response it creates in our gut forempowering your health. Again, you can eat some fun items throughout the week, the key is to make your 90 percent of meals count toward creating extraordinary health so you can thrive.

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