Knock Down Your Resting Heart Rate

I bet you know exactly what your heart rate goes up to at the gym, but do you know what’s like when you’re just sitting there watching Netflix?

It may not seem super important, but your resting heart rate can say a lot about your health and fitness level. A lower heart rate usually means a higher level of fitness, and that’s associated with reduced heart trouble risk. But if your heart rate at rest is higher, it can signal an increased risk of heart problems. That’s why, my friends, it’s time to learn how to get yours down!

A heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minutes while at rest is considered normal, but research has indicated that a rate between 60 to 80 is ideal. A ten-year study published in the The Journal of the American Medical Association ( found that people who had a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute or less had a lower death risk than those with rates of 70 to 85 beats per minute.

To get your resting heart rate, check in the morning; changes in body position, hydration, and activity levels all affect the measurement. Keep in mind that your age, medications, level of exercise and genetics can also impact your resting heart rate. Once you know what yours is, you can check it several times in a week to see what the trends are, and you can start working on lowering it using the tips below.

Hit the gym

Both strength training and aerobics can help lower your resting heart rate by improving your heart health. If you’ve not yet committed to any sort of regular exercise routine, now’s the time to start!

Reduce anxiety and stress

Of course, this is easier said than done, but anxiety and stress are unnecessary strains on your health. Try walking, reading more–whatever it is that can help you decompress each day. Yoga, meditation and some other activities have also been linked to reduced anxiety and stress.

Get some sleep

Getting the right amount of good, restful sleep improves your heart rate, your health and your performance in general. While recommendations vary, most experts agree that between seven and eight hours of sleep each night is what adults need.

Your resting heart rate is an indication of your heart’s health and performance. Knock that number down to get the most out of your body.

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