Increasing Your Attention Span

Brain Health - Increasing Your Attention Span

Attention tends to be the challenge of the day. It seems like more and more we are losing our focus to so many other things. So how do we get our brains to work better and focus on what is important? Get rid of your cell phone? Probably not going to happen. Nutrition plays an enormous role in how well our brain can maintain focus on a daily routine. You are what you eat has a brand new meaning when it comes to how well your body and brain can better connect and create better focus patterns. Let’s look at some of the natural ways you can create and maintain better focus and have more attention. To start, you must know that your daily routine will make the difference. You eating patterns, exercise discipline, and thought will make up the greatest portion of your success. Attention and focus are maintained in the frontal part of the brain. Without getting too technical, this is the primary area. Certain stressors can cause this part of the brain to not work as effectively as it potentially could. There are some keys that will make this area function at its greatest capacity. 

1.Use Caffeine
What? Yes caffeine is actually a compound that stimulates the frontal lobe of the brain. That is why many of the ADHD medications are heavy stimulants. However just slight amounts of caffeine, such as in green tea, can create the mild effect that will help these areas for empowering your health

2.Huperzine A
A natural herb that has been used in Europe for supporting better brain function and memory is widely available here as purchased as a supplement. 

3.Essential Fatty Acids
The healthy omega 3 fats that you hear so much about play an enormous role in overall brain health and can help you to increase your focus and attention. 

4.Keep Proteins at 30% of Calories
In our health coaching systems we teach that 30% is a good number for your proteins. If you are not getting enough protein, then you are not going to be able to support healthy brain function. Many of the anti-inflammatory proteins are listed in our basic program such as chicken, fish, eggs, and certain meats. 

For attention this is vital. Lack of sleep has been shown to cut back on how well we can focus and how well our brain can retain and process information. The typical goal is to get 6-8 hours of solid, uninterrupted, sleep. 

You can check out our focus and attention package HERE

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