Health Topics

Altered States Of Consciousness

You might think that altered states of consciousness (ASC) are the sole preserve of people who eat interesting mushrooms or experiment with other hallucinogenic substances. Did you know that sometimes people with no history of drug use and no other mental illness may still experience moments where their entire perception of reality is changed (

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Choose Your Ring

You may have noticed that smart rings are a device of the moment, trying to push their way ahead of watches and wristbands. Of course, the increased popularity means increased choice. How can you decide which is the one for you Some of the biggest names in smart rings include the Oura Ring, the Ultrahuman

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Diet And Community

A lot of research has been done into encouraging better dietary choices. One of the less obvious yet still highly important factors is the role of community. The eating habits of the people around you, especially in your formative years, can have a major impact on your attitude toward food ( It starts when you’re

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Keeping Count

Some people have a very relaxed attitude toward their exercise routine. Others ruthlessly count every second and step to track every miniscule improvement or decline. Both approaches have their benefits, but there is some research to suggest that monitoring your performance may provide you with quite a boost ( Step counting is easier than ever

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What Next?

So, you finally bit the bullet and took an epigenetic test to reveal your biological age. It told you a lot about your body and health. What should you do next? Can you find a way to lower that age score and improve your longevity? ( There’s no point in taking a test unless you’re

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Crypto Tokens

Cryptocurrency has proved a controversial addition to world finance, but there’s no denying that it’s making its presence felt. There are advantages and disadvantages to using crypto, but for those who are comfortable with this alternative form of money, you want to be able to use it in all relevant areas of your life. For

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