
Weightlifting in one form or another has been around for as long as people have been trying to get physically stronger. It’s one of the most basic ways to build muscle, with a relatively low investment needed. It’s also a form of exercise where it is very easy to injure yourself. If you want to start weightlifting, you need to do it safely and effectively (https://longevity.technology/lifestyle/the-dos-and-donts-of-weight-lifting-for-beginners/).

First, talk to an expert. Go to your doctor or another medical professional and make sure that you don’t have any injuries or preexisting conditions that put you at risk. They may tell you not to weightlift, or they might make recommendations on how to modify the usual exercises to make them safer. It’s also helpful to talk to a fitness trainer, or at least watch a pro on YouTube, so you can ensure you’re practicing the proper technique with your body in the right place. Poor form is a leading cause of injury.

Next, as we tell you with all physical activities, warm up properly before you start. Get your heat pumping with some jogging or other aerobics, then do some dynamic stretching to loosen up your muscles, particularly the ones you plan to use. You’ll need a cooldown period at the end of the session to ease out of the intensity.

When you’re first starting out, you’re going to want the lightest weights, no matter how tempting it is to jump to the hard stuff. Know your limits and remember, it’s not about showing off to others. Take your time and don’t skip the warmup and cooldown or the rest and recovery periods between sessions. Never overtrain.

You might think you need big, fancy machines for the best weightlifting workout, but you can do a lot with just dumbbells and barbells. They even have additional advantages in terms of practicing coordination. You can still mix up your exercises to keep things interesting.

Do make sure you’re wearing proper shoes and comfortable clothes. Gloves, straps and belts can all have protective roles. If you’re training at a gym rather than at home, find somewhere with a welcoming atmosphere and helpful trainers you trust.

If you want to weightlift successfully, you have to build on solid foundations and best practices, following professional advice and using appropriate equipment. That’s how you avoid injury and build muscle sustainably.

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