Take Up The Challenge

We all know we need to exercise. There’s no piece of health advice that doesn’t come with some variation of “but there’s no substitute for eating well and exercising regularly.” That doesn’t make it easy, especially when there’s an infinite number of ways to do it and there’s not always a clear explanation of which kind is best.

It’s not helped by the fact that everyone has different needs. While the general aim is the same – getting your body in the best shape possible – the “hows” are less simple. There are exercises to build muscle, others to lose weight, and some that improve flexibility. You need to decide what you want from your routine.

For some people, like those with injuries or medical conditions, what exercise they can do is dictated for them. For others, they have a specific goal and design all their workouts with that in mind. Other people just want a more generalized routine that gives every part of their body a chance to get better.

How effective your exercise will be is also influenced by outside factors. This is where diet comes in again because most of the energy you need for a workout is going to come from what you eat. If you want to build muscle, you need plenty of protein. If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll be thinking about fat consumption. You’re also going to need to keep an eye on things like alcohol, smoking and quality of sleep.

You’re also going to need to work any exercise routine you do around other parts of your life, like job and family commitments. You may need to be willing to get up extra early to get to the gym or pool before work, or do some push-ups and sit-ups in your own home in the evening. Any little bit of activity can help.

So what sort of exercise routine is best for you, assuming all other factors are under control? Well, most experts say you should try to do some kind of physical activity every day, but there’s a lot of scope for variety in that simple guidance. It could be a few short but intense sessions, or it could be some longer, more moderate classes.

When it comes to strength training, you can lift weights in the gym, but even lifting shopping bags or carrying your children may be able to be considered muscle work. Equipment like resistance bands can also be used. Yoga, Pilates and Tai-Chi, which are often associated with flexibility training, also involve using and improving your physical strength.

Flexibility training in general is associated with lots of stretching, even when incorporated into a more general workout. Add it to your warmup (though not as the very first exercise – get your blood flowing first) or cool-down to make the overall routine more effective and reduce your risk of injury.

More intense cardio workouts, like circuits, spin classes and sprinting, will be shorter in length but are likely to get you even more out of breath. Practice will get you where you can exercise for longer and train harder, but you should never push yourself too far. Be aware of your own limits, and consult with your doctor if in doubt.

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