No Equipment

The type of exercise we do often seems limited by affordability and accessibility. There’s a reason equestrian events are often seen as the preserve of the rich, while boxing is more widely found in the poorer corners of inner cities. In the case of strength training, you might think you need a fancy set of weights, but there are alternatives (

When you visit the gym, there’s a lot of equipment on display, and some of it is big and complicated-looking. Not everyone has room for a treadmill and rowing machine at home, but even the smaller weights can be a big investment. You need to know how to use them properly and must have enough space to wield them, which makes everything seem more complicated. One of the keys if you want to start and maintain an exercise routine is to make it simple; choose something that doesn’t require too much effort.

This means training without equipment. You still need to make sure you use proper technique, so it will probably help if you have a session with a professional first. Once you know what you’re doing, you’ll be able to practice anywhere and anytime.

You’ll probably recognize some of these exercises, such as push-ups. They’re what characters on TV do when they’re trying to show off their strength, which often leads to them looking deceptively easy. Make sure you keep your body straight and your stomach muscles engaged as you raise and lower your chest. It’s about more than just bending your arms, and it probably won’t take many repetitions to feel the burn.

Other good forms of strength training that don’t need equipment include planks, which are kind of like push-ups except you don’t lower yourself. Instead, you hold the position. Squats are another deceptively simple option that needs you to ensure your whole body is properly aligned. Target specific muscles with tricep dips or glute bridges, and get even more dynamic with lunges or even burpees, which work all the body and add flexibility and cardio elements.

Of course, these exercises should only be done as part of a comprehensive routine that also includes more cardio and flexibility training. You also need to remember your warming up, cooling down, stretching and recovery time. This will make each activity more effective while reducing your risk of injury.

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