Longevity Chews

Tablets, capsules, powders, potions and more… Supplements come in all forms, from the ones we swallow to those that are rubbed or even injected into our skin. If none of those methods appeal to you, well, perhaps you’d rather get your teeth into the latest NOVOS supplement, which has been delivered as a chew (https://longevity.technology/news/novos-expands-supplements-line-with-longevity-focused-chew/).

This isn’t the first supplement from NOVOS. You may have encountered NOVOS Core or NOVOS Boost in the past. Core was about tackling 12 distinct signs of aging, while Boost was about enhancing the effects of Core. Each supplement has its own specially constructed formula with specific, scientifically-supported aims. The new chews, called NOVOS Vital, continue in a similar tradition, plus they come with a tasty flavor.

There are seven main ingredients in NOVOS Vital. Trehalose is there to reduce the number of damaging proteins that can weaken cognitive performance. Acetic acid (from apple cider vinegar) is good for your fasting glucose levels and your cholesterol. The impact of inulin is seen in cholesterol again, as well as in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Nattokinase is another cognitive enhancer, this time fighting inflammation and oxidative stress. Rutin’s impact is felt mostly in the muscles, in strength, mobility and recovery times. Your eyesight may feel the benefits of lutein as it filters blue light, and zeaxanthin lowers oxidative stress and inflammation. Both ingredients protect the retina.

NOVOS didn’t conjure this formula from thin air. It’s based on lots of research, which is one of the things that sets this company apart from many of its competitors. When it wasn’t convinced that spermidine was going to be an effective addition, it took it out and went back to the drawing board. Founder and CEO Chris Mirabile says that “our research and results, published for all to see because visibility is core to our identity as a true longevity company in a world of anti-aging smoke and mirrors.”

Vital is a stronger supplement than Boost, and it contains powerful ingredients that you can’t find in Core. This means it’s able to tackle additional aspects of health and longevity. For example, it targets specific organs, whereas Core was more focused on cells at the microscopic level.

You can take Vital on its own, but combining it with Core and Boost allows them to complement each other for a more all-around approach to longevity.

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