Keeping Your Skin Young

Looking in the mirror and noticing new lines on your face is a perfect way to ruin your day. I’m not especially vain, folks, but even I am not a fan of the signs of aging on my face!

Luckily, you can do something about it. While there are some things that age our skin that are out of our control, there are others that we can have an influence on, especially when it’s related to our environment and lifestyle choices.

Watch out for the sun

The sun is a great source of Vitamin D, so you don’t want to hide from it completely, but you do need to mind your exposure because it will age your skin fast. The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends wearing sunscreen of at least 30 SPF on all areas of your skin exposed to the sun to help prevent premature aging ( Be sure to reapply the sunscreen in accordance with the bottle’s instructions; just putting it on at the start of a long day at the beach usually isn’t enough!

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Both smoking and alcohol will take a toll on your skin. Smoking speeds up how your skin ages, causing a sallow, dull complexion and wrinkles. Alcohol will dehydrate your skin and can damage it over time, adding unnecessary years to your appearance.

Make some new faces

This may sound a little weird, but making the same face repeatedly can make your face seem older. When you contract the muscles under your skin to make a facial expression over a period of years, those lines can become permanent. If you struggle with lines around your eyes because you squint a lot, make sure you have glasses that are appropriate for your vision. If the squinting is caused by bright light, invest in some new sunglasses.

Wash your face gently

Don’t scrub your skin harshly as this can irritate it and speed up its aging. Wash gently to remove makeup, pollution and other things without irritating the skin. You should wash your face at least twice each day and after you have sweated a bit. Perspiration can be very irritating to your skin.

Apply a moisturizer to your face each day. This will help trap water in your skin, giving you a more youthful appearance.

It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. Use the tips above to prevent premature skin aging and gain some of your youth back!

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