Fall Detection

Most older people prefer to stay in their own homes for as long as possible instead of being forced into residential facilities, and everyone from doctors to tech developers have placed a big priority on helping people age in place. Of course, this does mean that you need some kind of failsafe for when there’s a medical emergency. For many older people, an emergency means a fall (https://longevity.technology/news/fall-detection-powered-by-touchless-tech-and-amazon-alexa/).

It’s not exactly surprising that people are more prone to falling over as they age. Strength and mobility both tend to fade a bit. There’s another problem as well. Conditions such as osteoporosis, which makes our bones fragile and prone to breaking, are more common in the elderly. This means a fall is more likely to cause serious injury, while other age-related deterioration means the process of healing takes longer.

If an elderly person experiences a fall, they may not be able to just stand back up again. This means they may also be unable to reach the phone, an emergency cord or any other device to call for help. Not all elderly people are comfortable with wearable tech and may forget or refuse to use it, so that’s not always an option.

Vayyar Care takes a new approach. Designed by Vayyar Imaging, an Israeli company that specializes in radar-based, 4D imaging, it’s a touchless solution that can be paired with Amazon’s Alexa Together, a service already available in many homes. Vayyar Care will detect the fall, then automatically notify Alexa, which can contact both the Alexa Together Urgent Response helpline and the person’s designated family member or caregiver.

The Vayyar Care sensor uses radio frequency waves. They’re low in power, but they are safe, reliable and not intrusive. They can even work in darkness, when standard cameras may be ineffective. It protects your privacy better than cameras as well, which means it is a good option for the most personal areas of a house. Around 80% of falls take place in bathrooms with their damp, slippery surfaces, and Vayyar Care still functions properly even when hot water has filled the room with dense steam.

Technology like Vayyar Care doesn’t just offer a practical solution to one of the big risks of independent living when elderly; it can do so while providing reassurance and peace of mind to both the elderly person and their loved ones.

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