CBD And Hemp Oil

Thankfully, it’s getting a lot easier (at least in some jurisdictions) to access products like CBD oil and hemp oil, but there’s still a lot of confusion about the different iterations of the hemp plant and how to choose which is best. I’m here to hopefully alleviate some of your concerns (https://longevity.technology/lifestyle/cbd-oil-vs-hemp-oil-myths-facts-and-everything-in-between/).

We’re talking about oils sourced from the hemp plant, a subset of cannabis sativa, but with low versions of the psychoactive component, THC. THC is what can get you high and is generally the part that’s highly regulated, or, in some places, illegal. The hemp plant contains other important compounds, such as cannabidiol (CBD), that have been associated with various possible health benefits.

CBD and other useful cannabinoids are extracted from the leaves, stalks and flowers of the hemp plant in a process that usually involves alcohol or CO2; the complexity of this process can increase the price compared to hemp oil. Common uses include as a sleep aid, to alleviate anxiety, and in the management of chronic pain. Researchers are still investigating the full extent of CBD’s possible benefits as a health supplement.

On the other hand, hemp oil is more comparable to olive oil or sunflower oil. It’s cold pressed from hemp seeds and can be used in cooking or as an ingredient in skincare products. That’s because it’s rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to making a good moisturizer. These can be highly beneficial for everything from your heart to your immune system.

Contrary to common myths, CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same. They’re produced in different ways and contain different compounds and nutrients. This means that while both can be good for you, their actual benefits are distinct. Neither is likely to get you high. CBD may have traces of THC (legally, it must be less than 0.3%), but hemp oil has no psychoactive components.

Exactly how accessible any hemp-based product is will depend on where you are in the world. Regulations vary between countries and even between states, but hemp oil is more likely to be available than CBD. If you can find a safe and legal supplier, keep in mind that CBD is better for pain, anxiety or sleep problems, while hemp oil is more about its nutritional content.

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