Muscle Gain & Fat Loss


There are two hormones that have a big impact on whether we feel hungry or full, which has implications when it comes to how much we eat and therefore whether we lose or gain fat. I’ve talked about leptin, the hormone of satiety, before, which must mean it’s ghrelin’s turn. Ghrelin is often called the

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Exercise and diet. Yeah, you probably know by now that those are the two most important things for trying to build some muscle. They’re not the only things you can do, however. There are lots of supplements on the market that claim to be ideal for muscle gain. Some of them are talking nonsense, but

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Are you hungry right now? Have you eaten enough? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, it sounds like something’s wrong. After all, if you’ve eaten enough, you shouldn’t be hungry, right? The answer to this may lie in the hormone leptin, which has a direct influence on whether you feel full,

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Muscle Soreness

It’s all very well singing the benefits of exercise to try to build your muscle, but it’s harder to be enthusiastic when your muscles start aching. Muscle soreness is inevitable, but how does it affect your overall performance, and how can you alleviate its impact? Muscle soreness can be divided into two different types. Acute

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When you start your program to try to lose some body fat, how do you know it’s working? You can’t just look at your weight because weight measures muscle and fluid as well as fat. If you’re trying to be healthy, you don’t want smaller muscles and dehydration. That means you need a way to

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Gut Bacteria

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as a bad thing. We go around wiping our kitchen counters, cleaning our bathrooms and washing our hands because we’re trying to avoid them. It’s true that bacteria are responsible for some of the most upsetting illnesses around. However, only some of them are problematic; we actually need other

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