Bearaby Weighted Blanket

Blankets are often one of the first comfort items we have as infants, but some of us forget the reassurance they can bring. In recent years, weighted blankets in particular have been gaining more attention as a potential sleep aid, and the Bearaby is one impressive example (

Now, to be clear, weighted blankets won’t work for everyone. Some people will find them too warm at night or won’t appreciate the way they restrict movement while lying in bed. There is no set rule for who will find them beneficial. There’s always going to be an element of personal preference involved in how we sleep.

With that said, the Bearaby weighted blanket may be bulky, but the knitted surface is both soft and breathable. The fibers are made from eucalyptus pulp, which means it uses 90% less water in production than other common materials. It’s also completely organic. You can choose your preferred color and style to match the aesthetics of your home and your personal taste, and there are different degrees of heaviness available.

If you’re wondering just why you’d want to try a weighted blanket like the Bearaby, it does have some scientific backing (although, as with many things, there’s still a lot of room for further research). It’s a bit like having a massage, something many people find restful. The particular sensation created by weighted blankets has been compared to something called deep pressure stimulation. It can calm you down, alleviating pain and stress, reducing anxiety, and improving mental wellbeing.

Weighted blankets are often recommended for people experiencing the sensory issues associated with neurodivergence, such as in autism and ADHD, as well as for those with chronic pain from conditions like arthritis. They may also be useful for people whose rest is disturbed by tremors and spasms while asleep. However, anyone can try a weighted blanket, and improving quality of sleep is a valuable goal for anyone. It’s one of the big lifestyle changes that can have a major impact on your overall health and longevity.

The Bearaby blanket isn’t cheap, and it can take a while to adjust to the sensation of it on top of you (it may be easier to drape it over your feet in the evening at first), but if you do want to improve your sleep, it could be worth the investment.

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