
No matter how fancy modern science becomes, one of the most important factors affecting our longevity will always be exercise. Of course, types of exercise vary widely, and it can be pretty hard to find a type that doesn’t just improve our health but is also enjoyable. Swimming is one of the most popular types of exercise out there, and it’s good for us in all sorts of ways.

There are lots of reasons people might choose swimming over other types of exercise. The most obvious is that it is low impact. Other forms, like running, involve a lot of pressure on the joints as your feet collide with the hard ground. When you’re in the water, it carries some of your weight for you. This makes it particularly inviting for children, the elderly or those with injuries or disabilities (especially arthritis).

This doesn’t mean that everyone who swims is “too weak” for other sports. Competitive swimming involves a high degree of fitness, with an incredible amount of training going into a race that may only last a few minutes. Anyone who’s watched the Olympics will know how thrilling these events can be.

Still, one of the big advantages of swimming is that it can be accessible to everyone. There are different types of swimming strokes, including freestyle, often used for sprinting, backstroke, and the slower and steadier breaststroke. People swimming for fun are less likely to try butterfly, which involves a more awkward movement.

Swimming provides the opportunity to work all parts of your body, with your legs, arms and core all coordinating to form a stroke. This means that flexibility and muscle strength can be improved at the same time. It also has a powerful cardiovascular impact thanks to how it works your heart and lungs. Breath control and efficiently using oxygen are particularly important if you have your head under the water.

The benefits of swimming are not just physical. Like many forms of exercise, swimming may help reduce the effects of stress, anxiety and depression. For some people, being in the water is particularly relaxing in a way no other exercise can manage.

Swimming is very popular, and there are plenty of public pools that aim to be affordable and accessible to everyone. If you prepare properly and take safety precautions, you can enjoy the many benefits of swimming.

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