Everyone has trouble motivating themselves sometimes, but what if your brain is specifically wired to struggle with attention, memory, impulse control and planning? People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often face additional challenges when it comes to motivation, which means different management strategies are needed.

Many people think of ADHD as just meaning someone can’t sit still. That can be an ADHD trait, but it’s more complicated than that. People with ADHD may hyperfocus on things that particularly interest them but find it nearly impossible to pay attention to everyday tasks. Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity are primary characteristics of ADHD, but their presentation may vary between individuals.

It’s easy to see how these traits can make motivation difficult. Organizational and time keeping issues, difficulty with long-term planning, a tendency to procrastinate, an inability to sustain concentration, a high susceptibility to distractions and poor attention to detail mean that many with ADHD find it particularly hard to begin a project, and if anything happens to interrupt them, they may never get started again.

ADHD traits may not be the only problem affecting motivation for people with ADHD. Without diagnosis (or sometimes even with it), they may be dismissed as lazy or punished for behavior that they can’t control. People with ADHD may suffer from conditions like depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders that may be aggravated by a lack of appropriate ADHD support.

Some people are skeptical about ADHD as a diagnosis, but scientists have looked at the brains of people with ADHD and have seen structural differences compared to those without the condition. In particular, ADHD appears to involve poor functioning of neurotransmitters like dopamine. ADHD medication often aims to make these neurotransmitters work more effectively.

Management for ADHD may involve medication, therapy, lifestyle and environment modifications, or a multipronged approach. Again, every person is different and will not necessarily have the same response to each method. Getting plenty of exercise can be even more important for those with ADHD than the rest of the population. Realistic goals, breaking down tasks into manageable pieces, and allowing rewards for small achievements can help some people.

It takes experimentation and support to find the best way to manage ADHD. You can’t approach motivation in the same way as everyone else, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be motivated. You just need to adjust to what works for you.

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