Be Informed: Learn the Different Forms

While it’s normal–and understandable–to feel anxious sometimes, folks, it can develop into an actual disorder. Anxiety disorders are no joke: they can seriously impact your mood and quality of life and even take a toll on your overall health. These disorders are more common than you may think, too. The National Institute of Mental Health has found, via its national surveys, that close to one in five US adults and one in three teenagers between the ages 13 to 18 experienced an anxiety disorder in the last year alone (

As with anything, knowledge is power. If you think you may be experiencing anxiety disorder, it can be helpful to learn just what type or types you may be dealing with. Of course, it’s important to speak to your doctor about this, too. There are treatments available, and there is no reason to suffer in silence.

Generalized anxiety disorder

In generalized anxiety disorder, a person has a pattern of excessive worrying over varying issues on the majority of days for a period of six months or more. This type of anxiety often has physical symptoms as well, such as dizziness, muscle tension and even a pounding heart. Sometimes, anxiety attacks of this type are mistaken for heart issues.

Social anxiety disorder

A person with this type of anxiety disorder experiences significant anxiety in a social situations or when asked to perform in front of other people, such as public speaking.


You’ve likely heard of phobias before but may not have realized they are an anxiety disorder. A phobia is when a situation, insect, object or animal causes a person to experience intense anxiety and often fear. While phobias are often played for laughs in the media, they can cause a person significant difficulties if the phobia relates to a common object or activity. A person with agoraphobia, for example, has a fear of a place or situation that may cause embarrassment or helplessness, and it can cause someone to struggle with leaving their home.

Panic disorder

A panic attack is an intense and sudden episode of extreme fear, dread and breathlessness. Some people have described it as feeling as if you just narrowly avoided being hit by a truck, but without the truck.

Anxiety disorder is not a normal part of life you simply have to live with. If you think you may have an anxiety disorder, talk to your doctor.

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