Signs of A Weak Immune System

With a pandemic rattling the world, friends, it’s not surprising that many of us are worried about what shape our immune systems are in. Although building up your immune system takes time and isn’t something you can do overnight, you can take some additional steps to safeguard your body’s line of defense if you notice any signs that yours may be on the weaker side of things.

You are really stressed out

It’s not some sort of coincidence that you tend to get sick after an emotional personal situation at home or a big work project. According to the American Psychological Association, when you are under stress for the long term, it will weaken your immune system ( This is because stress can actually decrease the levels of lymphocytes in your body. These are the white blood cells that help defend your body against infections, and the lower the level of these cells you have in your body, the more at risk you are for viruses.

You seem to have a cold constantly

It’s not uncommon for adults to sniffle and sneeze through two to three colds annually. Most people recover from the common cold in about a week to ten days as it takes your immune system three to four days to develop the antibodies needed to combat the germs. However, if you seem to catch colds constantly or they drag on for weeks, it may be a sign your immune system just can’t keep up.

You experience stomach issues

If you have frequent constipation, gas or diarrhea, it may indicate your immune system is compromised. According to a review published in the Gut Microbes journal, close to 70 percent of your immune system is found in your digestive tract ( The microorganisms and beneficial bacteria in your gut defend it from infection and help support your immune system. Low amounts of beneficial bacteria in your gut can leave you open to chronic inflammation, viruses and even possibly some autoimmune disorders.

If you’re concerned your immune system just isn’t up to par, there are some steps you can take to improve it. Eat a balanced diet, get proper sleep, work out regularly, practice good hygiene, avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight and try to keep your stress levels in check. With some lifestyle changes, you can help your immune system work toward being its best.

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