4 Skincare Mistakes You’re Making Right Now

Your skin is a big part of how you’re perceived by everyone you meet. After all, your face is the usually the first thing they see! On top of that, how your skin feels and looks can have a real impact on how you feel, and in some cases, it can influence your overall health.

It’s easy to forget about skin care because your skin is always just there, doing its thing. So, I’ve made a handy list of skincare mistakes a lot of people make — and don’t even realize are mistakes!

Not cleaning your phone enough

Most of us have our phones with us all the time. Even if you wash your hands a lot, your phone screen is going to get a lot of bacteria and other unsavory things on it. Then, you have to make or take a phone call, and all that nasty stuff goes right onto your face.

Wipe your phone down each day. This way, you’re not transferring oil, bacteria and other tiny debris to your face.

Moisturizing just at night

Putting moisturizer on your face is something you probably only do at night. However, each time you wash your face, you remove moisture from it. After you do your morning face wash, moisturize! This will help keep your skin healthy and less prone to developing signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles.

Using sunscreen at the beach only

The sun does more than just age you — its rays can also cause discoloration, spots and even skin cancer. You should be wearing sunscreen every time you go out into the sun, not just when you’re headed off to a day at the beach.

Not drinking enough water

Water isn’t always on the top of people’s must-have beverage lists, but you need water for a lot of health reasons, your skin included. Being hydrated helps ensure your skin stays moisturized and supple, and the best way to get there is to drink plenty of water.

How much water you need per day will be impacted by your daily life — if you exercise, for example, you’ll need to drink more water than normal to get lost fluids back — but there are some general guidelines to follow. According to the Mayo Clinic, the original eight-glasses-per-day rule is a reasonable place to begin (https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256).

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