3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better Fast

It’s easier than you may think to give yourselves a boost, folks. While some lifestyle changes will take a while to pay off in the terms of improving how you look and feel, you can try the simple things below to give yourself a boost in just days. This can also help motivate you to make those more difficult, longer-term lifestyle adjustments!

Drink lots of water

I know, you’ve heard this before–you probably have a water bottle in the vicinity right now! But, alas, you’re still probably not drinking enough. Water is needed in every cell in your body, and you lose a lot of it each day in various ways. Once you truly raise your water intake, you’ll feel the results pretty quickly.

There’s no set amount of water that’s the right daily intake for each person. The old eight-glasses-a-day rule is a good place to start, according to the Mayo Clinic (https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20National%20Academies%20of,fluids%20a%20day%20for%20women), but you may need more if you’re active or losing water in other ways. Hot days, for example, will cause you to lose more water than the cooler ones.

Drop that sodium

Consuming too much sodium is a pretty big issue in the US. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that about 89 percent of US adults consume too much sodium (https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0106-sodium-intake.html).

While sodium may not seem like a big deal to you if you don’t have a health condition that requires you limit it, too much sodium can cause puffiness and bloating, both of which impact how you look and feel. Start paying attention to how much sodium you usually consume each day by adding up the amounts in the foods and beverages you consume. If you find yourself soaring over the daily limit of 2,300 mg as recommended by the FDA, it’s time to make some serious cuts (https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-education-resources-materials/sodium-your-diet#:~:text=However%2C%20most%20Americans%20eat%20too,about%201%20teaspoon%20of%20salt!).

Fill up on fiber

Fiber is needed for a balanced digestive system, and it should come as no surprise to learn that you probably won’t feel or look great if yours is off track. Add high-fiber foods, such as brussels sprouts, bell peppers, broccoli, seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains and other fiber and veggies to amp up your fiber intake. One fast way to get some extra fiber in daily is by sprinkling ground flax, hemp or chia seeds over whatever you’re eating for breakfast or lunch.

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